Steve Berman

Opinion Contributor

Steve Berman is a transplanted northerner living in the Atlanta area. For over 30 years, Steve has been a technology entrepreneur, creating, building, and selling businesses. Steve has been writing about politics and social issues for nearly a decade. It started with a “diary" on RedState, and quickly moved on to professional writing. He has written for other well-known web publications and was one of the original writers who helped Erick Erickson launch The Resurgent in 2016.

Steve’s work has been published by Fox News, and he has been cited on the New York Times opinion page, and quoted by the Washington Post. He is excited to be involved with the latest project, The First, as an opinion writer.

A Jewish believer in Christ, Steve lives and worships with his family in the Atlanta suburbs, after moving to central Georgia from New Hampshire over 28 years ago.

RELEASE IT! Merrick Garland Must Release the Warrant | Steve Berman

RELEASE IT! Merrick Garland Must Release the Warrant | Steve Berman

Let’s talk about pretexts today. The word means “a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.” For example, China is blaming Nancy Pelosi’s visit as the reason they are extending live-fire military drills to effectively blockade Taiwan. That’s a pretext. The real reason is that PRC is opportunistic, and …

ENEMY OF THE STATE? Our Descent into Banana Republicanism | Steve Berman

ENEMY OF THE STATE? Our Descent into Banana Republicanism | Steve Berman

In America, former presidents have a great deal of discretion dealing with their own documents and materials. Typically, an ex-president keeps some kind of security clearance, and many continue to receive security briefings as a courtesy. After all, the club of living ex-presidents is always very small. Donald Trump was never a member of the …

KANGAROO COURT? Alex Jones Gets His Comeuppance | Steve Berman

KANGAROO COURT? Alex Jones Gets His Comeuppance | Steve Berman

Dante reserved the 8th circle of Hell, he called Malebolge (“the evil pits”), for fraudsters: “panderers and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers and false prophets, liars, thieves.” Were there a human judge who could pronounce sentence to such a place, for the parents of Sandy Hook victims, it would not be severe enough for Alex Jones. In an …

BLACKMAIL: Pelosi Cashes In On Big Semiconductor’s Big Payday | Steve Berman

BLACKMAIL: Pelosi Cashes In On Big Semiconductor’s Big Payday | Steve Berman

I don’t know why this is playing in my head, but I’ll start off with the Barry Manilow hit “I Write the Songs.” Did you know that it was originally recorded by Captain & Tennille on their first album “Love Will Keep Us Together”? It was written by the great Brian Johnston, who co-wrote many …

REBELLION: The People Reject a Hellish Green Paradise | Steve Berman

REBELLION: The People Reject a Hellish Green Paradise | Steve Berman

In Sri Lanka, the government became enamored with climate science, and eliminating the negative effects of nitrogen oxides found in chemical fertilizers. So they simply banned the products, forcing farmers to revert back half a century. It isn’t difficult to predict the consequences of this action: domestic rice production fell by about 20 percent, and the …

MTG, Marcus Flowers, a Pile of Cash, and the Truth | Steve Berman

MTG, Marcus Flowers, a Pile of Cash, and the Truth | Steve Berman

Traveling through rural northwest Georgia, you’ll see plenty of visible support for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. She has become perhaps the best poster child for Q-Anon Trumpists who surfed the orange wave into office. MTG replaced Tom Graves, who retired in 2019, at 49 years old, after serving five terms. Graves didn’t even finish his …

MALPRACTICE: Lessons From COVID-19, Which Hasn’t Gone Away

MALPRACTICE: Lessons From COVID-19, Which Hasn’t Gone Away

If your workplace is anything like mine, you’ve noticed COVID-19 has not released the country from its gator-jaws. Smack in the middle of our return-to-normal lives, COVID has re-emerged as the “BA.5” variant. You may get it. If you’re vaccinated, that’s not necessarily going to help. If you’re boosted, you might still get it. In …

MONKEYWASHING: The Media’s Obsession with Negative Space | Steve Berman

MONKEYWASHING: The Media’s Obsession with Negative Space | Steve Berman

I want to focus on two stories that highlight the media’s obsession with negative space. Here’s the first example. America’s July 4th festivities were pierced by a horrible act of violence as a rooftop shooter opened fire at a parade in Highland Park, Illinois. Six were killed and about two dozen were wounded; the 22-year-old suspected killer …