Americans are STILL STRANDED in Afghanistan

Americans are STILL STRANDED in Afghanistan

The fallout over Biden’s undeniable failure in Afghanistan continues. Do you remember, back in August, when Jen Psaki lied about Afghanistan, saying it was irresponsible for us to say or assume that Americans were stranded in Afghanistan? Well, as of now, we know that there are currently about 450 American citizens still stranded in Afghanistan. No man left behind, right? President Biden ordered the military to fill up the planes with unvetted refugees, shipping them to the United States, and now, there are reports of the Afghan refugees assaulting women, including at a military base In the U.S. Jesse Kelly has the details on all this and the national security threat we are now facing over the Afghanistan crisis.

Children Used as Guinea Pigs for the COVID Vaccine

Children Used as Guinea Pigs for the COVID Vaccine

We must ask ourselves: Are we a good country? This week, it was revealed that a FDA panel of advisors are planning to recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages five to eleven years old. In Blue States, Governors are going to require your child to take the COVID-19 vaccine, or they will not allowed to attend little league games, schools, etc. So, let’s get this straight: They are forcing your child to get jabbed, yet these so-called experts have no idea what the risks or side effects are going to be. They are using your children as lab rats. This is monstrous, and it is disgusting. A Doctor went as far as slamming the FDA for approving the vaccine for kids, and even laid out the reasons AGAINST kids getting vaccinated. The most horrendous story comes out of Florida, where parents say officials at a public school sent their seven-year-old non-verbal special needs daughter home with a mask tied to her head and neck with a nylon rope. These mandates and actions to enforce these mandates are becoming abusive and near-criminal. Again, Jesse Kelly wants you to ask yourself: Are we a good country?

Jesse Kelly-Oct 27

Jesse Kelly-Oct 27

Trust in the media is near an all-time low, as is the American people’s faith in President Biden to do his job. So if you can’t trust the media or the elected officials, who can you trust? Jesse Kelly holds America’s communists accountable for intentionally misleading the citizens of this country. Plus, John Ziegler joins the show to reflect on a major story that the media got wrong and Rep. Pat Fallon analyzes the situation at the southern border.

The Dana Show – Oct 27

The Dana Show – Oct 27

Sen. Joe Manchin questions billionaire tax, Politifact going after random Facebook posts, labor issues & gasoline prices, MSBA leaves national association, Loudoun county schools walk-out, Krispy Kreme mandates the jab, Terry McAuliffe & the Virginia governor race, The left loves re-education camps, Alec Baldwin’s case, living in a proto-communist society, Today in wokery, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.

We Are in Trouble, America

We Are in Trouble, America

Well, the Oracle was right once again. Last week, Jesse said that the people in charge of our country are complete idiots. The most powerful people in the United States of America are just a bunch of uninformed idiots. In fact, they are even less informed than the average American. Senator Dick Durbin sat before the House Judiciary Committee, where he defended the DOJ targeting parents, and said he went online and typed school board violence into his search engine, and that’s how he learned of the so-called school board violence. Is this a joke? A Republican Senator investigated all this school board violence by typing it into Google? We are in trouble, America. Jesse Kelly shares the details on this, as well as Senator Tom Cotton blasting Attorney General Merrick Garland, who testified before the Senate today.

The Progressive Patriarchy

The Progressive Patriarchy

According to an article by the BBC, it is being reported that more and more lesbian women are being harassed and pressured by trans women to have sexual intercourse with them. So, lesbian women are being harassed by men that identify as women. This is what is called the Progressive Patriarchy: Exchanging one patriarchy for another. Dana Loesch bends the knee on how this gender-fluid sexual revolution could really care less about women.

Introducing the ‘Natural Immunity is Real Act’

Introducing the ‘Natural Immunity is Real Act’

Why are people still listening to anything that Dr. Fauci says? It’s been proven that he’s a liar, flip-flopper, and that he simply cannot be trusted. Perhaps, this pandemic isn’t about COVID and our health after all. The most telling sign is the reluctancy of experts, including Dr. Fauci, to acknowledge natural immunity, despite it being regarded as a scientific fact. Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger joins Dana to discuss The Natural Immunity is Real Act that she recently introduced into legislation, which requires federal agencies to acknowledge natural immunity to COVID-19.

Dana Loesch-Oct 27

Dana Loesch-Oct 27

FDA panel recommends Pfizer vaccine for kids; Rep. Diana Harshbarger joins to discuss the need to acknowledge natural immunity to covid; Hawk Newsome joins to discuss vaccine mandate overreach and the right to refuse; lesbians speak out on pressers by trans community

Giving A Voice to the Citizens of New York

Giving A Voice to the Citizens of New York

What the government and these experts have failed to realize is that people are not necessarily anti-vaccine; They just simply have questions regarding the vaccine that have not been answered honestly. Yet, the government has continuously bullied Americans into getting the vaccine, or else…Mothers not able to provide for their children, healthcare workers fired, servicemen and women on the verge of being discharged from the military, and teachers let go, all in the name of the COVID-19 vaccine. Chairperson of the Black Lives Matter Greater NY, Hawk Newsome, joins Dana to discuss people how he is representing the black community and uplifting them in their skepticism of the vaccine and letting their voices be heard. He and Dana also delve into the blurred lines between those supporting Kyrie Irving, but not standing up for Colin Kaepernick, as well as how he is the leading the path forward with Black Opportunities, to empower black communities through a more holistic approach.