
How Biden’s Weakness Puts Lives at Risk

How Biden’s Weakness Puts Lives at Risk

Not only has President Biden been working behind the scenes with the Taliban, but he has now admitted to it. Biden claims the Taliban are our allies, and we are now left to rely on THEM for OUR protection. On the other hand, our WOKE Generals seem to be too busy focusing on diversity, inclusion, and white rage, instead of the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan. This is, tragically, all at the cost of Americans lives stateside and in Afghanistan. Airborne Ranger qualified Captain, GOP Congressional Candidate in Georgia, and Author, ‘A Higher Calling: Pursuing Love, Faith, and Mount Everest for a Greater Purpose,’ Harold Earls, joins the show to break down the crisis in Afghanistan, as he shares his take on what ‘no man left behind means for him.’ You can also learn more at

U.S. Veterans Decry Biden’s Afghanistan Failure

U.S. Veterans Decry Biden’s Afghanistan Failure

Biden has turned his back on America. His lack of response and leadership in this crisis is so appalling, that it’s hard to even wrap your mind around. Does he really think the Taliban have our best interest at heart? How incompetent is he? They are now in control of billions of dollars of our U.S. military equipment and gear, yet they are going to work with us to try and help us? None of this makes sense, and it’s truly a tragedy at the hands of our administration. Joe Collins III, California Congressional Candidate (R), and U.S. Navy Veteran, details Biden’s lack of response in Afghanistan, and how he is taking action to impeach Biden. You can learn more at

Plan A and Plan B for Afghanistan

Plan A and Plan B for Afghanistan

We need to keep our U.S. Servicemen and women and their families in our thoughts and prayers. What happened today in Afghanistan didn’t have to be. It didn’t have to result in an abrupt and tragic end. Many lives have been lost today, due to the missteps of our incompetent administration, and Jesse Kelly is furious about it. Afghanistan Former Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division and Regional Command-East, and Author of ‘Marathon War: Leadership in Combat Afghanistan,’ Major General Jeffrey Schloesser joins Jesse to break down the terror and tragedy in Afghanistan.

U.S. Leaders Forgot the Mission of our Military

U.S. Leaders Forgot the Mission of our Military

Our U.S. leaders bear the blame for their approach to the U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan, but with President Biden saying the chaos was unavoidable, it’s safe to say he is deflecting all of the blame. General Keith Kellogg, Co-Chair of our Center for American Security at America First Policy Institute and Author of the forthcoming book, “War by Other Means,” shares how the United States government and its leaders forgot the foundational purpose of our U.S. military, which is to fight and win our nation’s wars, and how we can possibly untangle this Afghanistan disaster.

We’ve Been Lied to About Afghanistan

We’ve Been Lied to About Afghanistan

Our leaders have failed us. Just how, after 20 years, did this all fall so easily, so quickly, in just three days? The lying and the manipulating; There is no end in sight. Slater shares how we were all lied to about Afghanistan, the ‘true story’ on the Afghanistan papers, and how this all ties it all in to the COVID pandemic.

War Is War

War Is War

Dana talks about Afghanistan’s fall, veterans’ service and commitment, and the possibilities of getting Americans and allies out of Kabul.

A Veteran’s Perspective on Afghanistan

A Veteran’s Perspective on Afghanistan

Think about all those family members and Veterans, who are thankfully now at home, but who sacrificed so much, and this is what comes out of it? Our military accomplished the goal in Afghanistan, but our government accomplished nothing in the U.S. withdrawal. Betrayal. Total betrayal. Meaghan Mobbs West Point Grad, Army veteran, and Visiting Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum, details the genuine sense of betrayal from our government, and how the U.S. planted the seed for women in Afghanistan. Also, Meaghan gives a few words of encouragement for our Veterans.