
The Military Rot is Coming to Surface

The Military Rot is Coming to Surface

The military rot is coming to light, and it’s certainly backfiring on us. All that woke military stuff, with the Army Generals more focused on inclusion and wokeism, than building a strong, able-bodied force; It’s all coming to light now, as the Taliban storm the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and take control of our U.S. military equipment. Jesse Kelly shares the tough reality on Biden’s embarrassing Afghanistan withdrawal, with the entire world watching.

Biden’s Naive Plan Backfires in Afghanistan

Biden’s Naive Plan Backfires in Afghanistan

Over $2 trillion dollars spent, 2,448 American service members killed, and 3,846 U.S. contractors killed. These are just some of the numbers coming out of the cost of the war in Afghanistan. Yet, what has occurred over the past 24 hours or so in Afghanistan was all part of Biden’s unrealistic expectations, that the U.S. could get out before everything fell apart with the Taliban taking control. This is coming from a government that actually has over eight years of government experience, yet they can’t seem to get it together, and it’s all just a COMPLETE FAILURE! Lt. Col. James Jay Carafano, details Biden’s plan to exit Afghanistan before chaos ensued, and how this all compares to the what the Obama administration did.

Introducing the Restoring Military Focus Act into Legislation

Introducing the Restoring Military Focus Act into Legislation

Congressman Chip Roy details his Restoring Military Focus Act that he recently introduced into Legislation, aiming to remove Military Diversity Officer positions. This wokeism that is going on in the military is a disgrace, and eliminating the Diversity Officer position, is taking one huge step in stopping the wokery. It is about our military’s will and ability to defend our country. Divvying anyone up by race does nothing. We need cohesion in our military to defend our country. That’s what matters.

U.S. Army Generals or Twitter Trolls?

U.S. Army Generals or Twitter Trolls?

Well, it seems that our United States Army Generals are catching a ride on the woke train. Instead of, you know, focusing on building a strong military force, Army General Donahoe made a “public service announcement” on Twitter, suppressing our First Amendment right to free speech. Aren’t our U.S. military leaders supposed to stay out of politics? The woke policies and politicization in our military has to stop. We need a strong army to defend our country, not tweet about censoring Americans for their right to free speech, and engage in a Twitter war with another General, or tweet someone to “come get your boy.”

America’s Unfit Military

America’s Unfit Military

Since the September 11th attacks twenty years ago, our military has changed, and so have the threats to our country. Major General Jeffrey Schloesser and Mike Slater delve into some of these changes that have happened over the past twenty years, as well as the major concern that our military is no longer a fit military because we are not a fit country. As Major General Schloesser states, “If you don’t have the physical fitness and education, then you can’t be part of it. We need to be better role models.”

Infiltrating Our Military with ‘Woke Garbage’

Infiltrating Our Military with ‘Woke Garbage’

This isn’t a social experiment, this is our U.S. military. Putin, the CCP, and all these other countries are just sitting there laughing at us, as our President and country want to focus more on wokeism than having a strong military. Former USMC, Former Ohio Treasurer, and Senate Candidate (R-OH), Josh Mandel, is here to discuss how this so-called social experiment and infiltration of “woke garbage” in our Armed Forces, boils over to the classroom and the business world. It’s not about skin color, background, religion, politics, or anything of that nature; It’s the comradery, and building a strong military, not a soft one. We are tearing everyone apart, and we need to do better as a nation.

Rep. Thomas Massie Fights Military Vax Mandate

Rep. Thomas Massie Fights Military Vax Mandate

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie joins Dana to share bringing the H.R. 3860 into legislation, Biden administration censoring misinformation on social media platforms, which proves the point of Section 230, and U.S. Army plans to force soldiers to get the vaccine as early as September 1st. The Department of Army Headquarters sent an order notifying everyone that a deadline is pending on the vaccine requirement. Rep Thomas Massie is among the House co-sponsors of the bill to prohibit these types of requirements for the military.