
CLUELESS JOE: Tapper Throws Joe Softball Recession Question —He Totally Blows It

CLUELESS JOE: Tapper Throws Joe Softball Recession Question —He Totally Blows It

CNN’s Jake Tapper tossed President Biden a softball question on the U.S. economy during an interview Tuesday night —and Biden still managed to totally blow his answer. “Should the American people prepare for a recession?” Tapper asked. “No…” he said before finding his words, “Every six months they say this … There is no guarantee …

STOCK MARKET JOE: Market Down $7.6 Trillion Since Joe Biden Took Office

STOCK MARKET JOE: Market Down $7.6 Trillion Since Joe Biden Took Office

President Biden continues to claim the economy is strong and in recovery —meanwhile, inflation and rate hikes are signaling signs of a serious recession on the horizon. Now, according to Fox News, the stock market under President Joe Biden has lost $7.6 trillion dollars in market value. Watch the clip below: Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) …

MORE SPENDING?! Biden Adviser Wants to Combat Surging Inflation With Spending Bills 

MORE SPENDING?! Biden Adviser Wants to Combat Surging Inflation With Spending Bills 

During an interview with CNBC host Carl Quintanilla on Wednesday, Biden National Economic Council Director Brian Deese said there is “more urgency than ever to pass” new spending bills. The consumer price index soared in June —up 9.1% from a year ago, above the 8.8% Dow Jones estimate. “If there’s one thing to take away from this …

INFLATION NATION: Prices Up More Than Expected as Inflation Rose 9.1% in June

INFLATION NATION: Prices Up More Than Expected as Inflation Rose 9.1% in June

More bad news for the Biden economy as June’s inflation report exceeded estimates —prices rose 9.1% from June of last year. Shoppers are paying even more for essential, everyday goods. From CNBC: The consumer price index, a broad measure of everyday goods and services, soared 9.1% from a year ago, above the 8.8% Dow Jones …

CNN SAYS IT – ‘WORSE THAN CARTER’: Biden in Big Trouble as Disapproval on Inflation Clears 70%

CNN SAYS IT – ‘WORSE THAN CARTER’: Biden in Big Trouble as Disapproval on Inflation Clears 70%

If CNN can’t spin it, you know it’s bad. Senior Data Analyst Harry Enten got real with Anderson Cooper about how bad the inflation crisis is. “It’s awful and how people feel about it is even worse…this is the worst consumer sentiment ever measured by the University of Michigan going all the way back to …

Biden’s failing economy plan

Biden’s failing economy plan

On president Joe Biden’s watch, inflation has gone through the roof, gas prices are at all-time highs, and the stock market has begun looking like a bloodbath. So, what’s the White House’s plan for preventing more economic pain? Well, it doesn’t seem to have one…other than blaming Republicans and Putin, of course.

BOUNCE BACK BROKER: Jean-Pierre Insists U.S. Economy Bouncing Back, Americans Can ‘Take On’ Historic Inflation

BOUNCE BACK BROKER: Jean-Pierre Insists U.S. Economy Bouncing Back, Americans Can ‘Take On’ Historic Inflation

She must be dizzy from all that spinning. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spoke with CNN’s Don Lemon about the state of the U.S. economy, and may not have been exactly forthright when asked about the Biden Administration’s contributions to historic, 40-year high inflation. From Fox News… Jean-Pierre said on CNN that Americans must …

WHITE HOUSE SHOCK: Wholesale Prices SURGE 10.8%, Inflation Speeds-Up

WHITE HOUSE SHOCK: Wholesale Prices SURGE 10.8%, Inflation Speeds-Up

Wholesale prices jumped a staggering 10.8% in May according to new data released by the Federal Government, raising even more fears over red-hot inflation and an impending recession. From CNBC: Wholesale prices rose at a brisk pace in May as inflation pressures mounted on the U.S. economy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday. The …