U.S. Border

BIDEN-MATIC: On Border or Anything, He’ll Sign Whatever They Put in Front of Him | Steve Berman

BIDEN-MATIC: On Border or Anything, He’ll Sign Whatever They Put in Front of Him | Steve Berman

President Joe Biden loses ten votes a day. It’s not his fault. Nothing is his fault. Biden-matic glides through his days, spending his mornings re-learning what happened yesterday (what day is it?) since he slept, signing or reading whatever his caretakers place before him, and winding up before “sundowning” hits. Meanwhile, Americans are facing some …

FEISTY! Six Days of Prep, a Handful of Pills and an Hour of Biden Lies | Steve Berman

FEISTY! Six Days of Prep, a Handful of Pills and an Hour of Biden Lies | Steve Berman

The truest thing President Joe Biden said last night in his (final?) State of the Union address was his first line, “if I was smart, I’d go home now.” Joe should have gone home. First, I’ll get the faint praise out of the way. He managed to make it through the speech with a minimal …

THE BOOKMARK: Biden Can’t Lead Even When Americans Want What He’s Selling | Steve Berman

THE BOOKMARK: Biden Can’t Lead Even When Americans Want What He’s Selling | Steve Berman

The Senate did something pretty unusual for these times: it produced a useful piece of legislation dealing with the southern border, immigrants already in the country, and funding for both Israel and Ukraine. Unfortunately, it’s stillborn in the House. Why? Because the guy who runs the GOP says not to give Democrats anything resembling a victory. Why? Because he’s …

DOUBLE DOG DARE: Will Biden Federalize Texas Guard? | Steve Berman

DOUBLE DOG DARE: Will Biden Federalize Texas Guard? | Steve Berman

Because it’s an election year, the idiocy surrounding our southern border is naturally a breeding ground for ignorance and great harm. On one hand, President Joe Biden does not want to crack down on illegal immigrants pouring in from Mexico, even though that means New York City and Boston are running out of places to shelter them. On the …

HISTORIC MOMENT: TX Gov Rejects Biden’s Authority Over His Border, No State at the ‘Mercy of a Lawless President’

HISTORIC MOMENT: TX Gov Rejects Biden’s Authority Over His Border, No State at the ‘Mercy of a Lawless President’

Texas Governor Greg Abbott released a statement Wednesday afternoon rejecting Joe Biden’s authority over the southern border. In his brief memo, the Republican cited the Founding Fathers while insisting no state is at the “mercy of a lawless President.” “James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States …

CONSERVATIVES: It’s Time to Grow Up | Steve Berman

CONSERVATIVES: It’s Time to Grow Up | Steve Berman

Republicans in the House of Representatives had to adjourn because they couldn’t get behind Rep. Steve Scalise as the nominee for Speaker. They narrowly nominated him but can’t elect him because some childish members of his party won’t go along. These include Reps. “Handsy” Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nancy Mace, Max Miller, and George Santos—all …

THEY THINK WE’RE IDIOTS: Biden Builds the Wall | Steve Berman

THEY THINK WE’RE IDIOTS: Biden Builds the Wall | Steve Berman

JOE BIDEN and his administration has insulted the intelligence of every American voter, and they don’t care. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Myorkas waived 26 federal laws protecting the air, water, and endangered species to continue building the wall approved under Donald Trump’s administration in 2019. This flies in the face of Biden’s campaign promise of “not another …

‘STOP THE INVASION’: Governor DeSantis Unveils His Plan to Secure the Border

‘STOP THE INVASION’: Governor DeSantis Unveils His Plan to Secure the Border

Florida Governor and Presidential Candidate Ron DeSantis announced an aggressive border security plan on Monday. The presidential hopeful’s plan includes a broad spectrum of strategies aimed at reinforcing the nation’s immigration system. “No excuses on this. Get the job done,” DeSantis stated on Monday. The Florida governor expressed his intent to make border security a …