‘WELL, SON OF A BITCH!’: Watch Cruz Blast Dem on Joe and Hunter Biden’s Shady Flex on Ukraine
‘WELL, SON OF A BITCH!’: Watch Cruz Blast Dem on Joe and Hunter Biden’s Shady Flex on Ukraine
Senator Ted Cruz R-TX) unloaded on George P. Kent during a hearing on Tuesday; Kent was the Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy regarding Ukraine when there were all the questions about Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Joe Biden’s threats against the prosecutor, Red State reports. “Do you think Joe Biden holding a billion dollars hostage to …
CRUZ MOVES: Ted Says ‘I Believe We Should Impeach Mayorkas, Garland’
CRUZ MOVES: Ted Says ‘I Believe We Should Impeach Mayorkas, Garland’
Texas Senator Ted Cruz unloaded on the Biden Administration in a recent appearance on Newsmax; Cruz says “We need real congressional oversight. We need hearings, we need subpoenas.” He also believes that both DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland should be impeached for “gross dereliction of duty.” From The Post Millenial: When …
TED BREAKS WHOOPI: Cruz Gets Goldberg to ADMIT Hillary Conspiracy Hypocrisy
TED BREAKS WHOOPI: Cruz Gets Goldberg to ADMIT Hillary Conspiracy Hypocrisy
Senator Ted Cruz appeared on The View this week where he apparently “broke” Whoopi Goldberg. Footage went viral immediately showing the comedian admitting she believed Hillary Clinton actually won the 2016 presidential election. “Hillary Clinton, who stood up and said, Trump stole the election. Or Stacey Abrams who said that the election was stolen. They …
DO YOUR JOB OR YOU’RE GONE! GOP Senators Put Mayorkas on Notice, Impeachment Threats
DO YOUR JOB OR YOU’RE GONE! GOP Senators Put Mayorkas on Notice, Impeachment Threats
Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas putting him on notice for “dereliction of duty.” “This is gross dereliction of duty and, if not corrected swiftly, could provide grounds for impeachment,” the senators wrote. “Your failure to faithfully enforce this nation’s immigration laws and willful blindness to …
‘NOW TRY 4.2 MILLION’: Ted Cruz Lights Up Martha’s Vineyard for Migrant Boast
‘NOW TRY 4.2 MILLION’: Ted Cruz Lights Up Martha’s Vineyard for Migrant Boast
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) isn’t impressed with Martha’s Vineyard and its ability to care for 50 migrants. State Rep. Dylan Fernandes tweeted, “Our island jumped into action putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need. We are …
‘INSANE AND ILLEGAL’: Ted Cruz Shreds Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Plan
‘INSANE AND ILLEGAL’: Ted Cruz Shreds Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Plan
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is not hold back in his full-throated rebuttal of President Biden’s $300 billion dollar student loan debt cancellation plan; the Lone Star State Senator says it’s “insane and illegal.” “Insane – and illegal! We have the highest inflation in 40 years/highest gas prices ever, but Biden wants to spend even more …
‘HOW DO WE KNOW?’ Ted Torches Liz Warren for ‘Penis Story,’ Claim People Won’t Vote for Women
‘HOW DO WE KNOW?’ Ted Torches Liz Warren for ‘Penis Story,’ Claim People Won’t Vote for Women
According to a report from The Daily Wire, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and the modern-day Democratic Party after a new book shared the story that after Warren’s third-place finish in the 2020 Iowa Caucus, she complained, “Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had …
TED TALKS: Inflation Reduction Act a ‘Terrible Bill,’ Dems Doubling the Size of the IRS to 87,000
TED TALKS: Inflation Reduction Act a ‘Terrible Bill,’ Dems Doubling the Size of the IRS to 87,000
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stopped by Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures to provide an update on the Democrats’ “terrible” Inflation Reduction Act. “This is a terrible bill…this bill will hammer manufacturing and kill manufacturing jobs in this country. It will hammer small businesses. This bill will drive up gas prices. It has billions in new …
WATCH: Cruz Eviscerates FBI Chief on Why US Flags are Now Considered ‘Extremist’
WATCH: Cruz Eviscerates FBI Chief on Why US Flags are Now Considered ‘Extremist’
Sen. Ted Cruz demanded answers from FBI chief Christopher Wray Thursday over why some iconic American flags are now considered images related to “extreme militias.” “These symbols weren’t things like the Nazi Party. They included things like the Betsy Ross flag,” said Cruz. “What are y’all doing? This makes no sense. Do you agree with …
WATCH NOW: Ted Cruz GRILLS FBI Director Christopher Wray
WATCH NOW: Ted Cruz GRILLS FBI Director Christopher Wray
Senator Ted Cruz grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray Thursday on why an agent who oversaw the debunked kidnap case of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was promoted to lead the January 6th investigation. “How many FBI agents were disciplined after this disastrous case?” asked Cruz. “I can’t comment on that. This case is pending a retrial,” …
CRUZ BACKS CHENEY CHALLENGER:’Harriet Will Be a Rock-Ribbed Conservative Who Will Defend the Constitution’
CRUZ BACKS CHENEY CHALLENGER:’Harriet Will Be a Rock-Ribbed Conservative Who Will Defend the Constitution’
According to a report from Breitbart News, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is throwing his support behind Liz Cheney Challenger Harriet Hageman —Hageman also has the endorsement of former President Trump. “Harriet will be a rock-ribbed conservative congresswoman who will always defend the Constitution,” Cruz told Fox News. “She knows the importance of standing up for individual constitutional rights …
CRUZ MISSILE: Ted Torches Top Dems, Points Out Most Disagree With ‘Radical’ Abortion View
CRUZ MISSILE: Ted Torches Top Dems, Points Out Most Disagree With ‘Radical’ Abortion View
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) played the role of Ghost of Christmas Past during Tuesday afternoon’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on abortion; the Lone Star State Senator dropped quotes from Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Dick Durbin illustrating their negative feelings towards abortion. “Today’s modern Democrat Party has become radicalized on abortion. Today’s Democrat Party has …