


Former and potential future president Donald Trump has been found guilty in the state of New York. Legal experts are mixed on what the sentencing will be, but some suspect Trump may wind up in prison. So, what happens if Trump is in prison and wins the election? We’re in uncharted waters here, so Mike Slater has brought in the best of the best legal minds to discuss how this may go down.

Josh Hammer
Cully Stimson
Mike Davis



We are now in the 2024 election cycle. If the past few elections serve as an indication, things are only going to get more hectic from here. As chaos ramps up, it’s important to approach it all with the right posture. Mike Slater explains the important things to consider and gives advice on how to manage election year anxiety. Mike also speaks with faith leaders who find themselves right in the thick of politics as well to see how they get through.



The world has gotten to know Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the leader of Ukraine in the country’s conflict with Russia. Zelenskyy has been embraced by world governments, as well as the entertainment and media industry. But not everyone is a fan. In this supporter-exclusive special, Mike Slater presents the case both for and against Zelenskyy. Congressman Dan Crenshaw will explain why he supports Zelenskyy while independent journalist Jordan Schachtel shares a different opinion. Mike Slater will also provide some insight into who Zelenskyy is as a person and his rise to power.

Digital Danger: The Currency Crisis (Full Special)

Digital Danger: The Currency Crisis (Full Special)

For as long as you have lived, the dollar has reigned supreme. In recent years, there’s been a war on the U.S. dollar. Now, as we reach the digital age of currency, the fiscal future is uncertain. Central Bank Digital Currencies are on the rise while Cryptocurrency deepens its roots. Not to mention the rise of artificial intelligence as well. So with all this uncertainty, how can you protect yourself? Mike Slater and his panel of experts have you covered.

Presented by Patriot Gold Group

American Legend: George Washington (exclusive)

American Legend: George Washington (exclusive)

American Legend: George Washington

America knows George Washington as the first president of the United States, but there’s so much more to his story. Whether it’s his vast military leadership experience or his willingness to step away when the time was right. There is so much to admire about the truest founding father of the United States. However, as time progresses, American progressives continue to rewrite Washington’s history in a way that erases the patriotism of which America was founded upon. Jesse Kelly and his team of historians are committed to making sure the glory of Washington is taught in this special.

War On The U.S. Dollar (Full Special)

War On The U.S. Dollar (Full Special)

America has never been this close to de-dollarization. Foreign adversaries are pushing their own currencies while Central Bank Digital Currencies are making their way into the forefront. This comes as the United States suffers sky-high inflation and interest rates, all while major banks have failed. In this special, Mike Slater and his panel of experts reveal why owning gold and silver is your protection against all of the aforementioned threats to the dollar. Mike also dives into how gold offers protection against tyranny as well. 

War On The U.S. Dollar is presented by Patriot Gold Group. Call 1-888-617-6122 for a free investor guide today. 



(Full 1-Hour Special)
Joe Biden has spent his entire life inside the Washington Swamp. Alongside his troubled son Hunter, the road to the White House has been paved with shady moves and backroom deals. 

 Hunter Biden’s Laptop was just the tip of the iceberg – It all leads back to “The Big Guy.” 

 In this First TV Supporter Exclusive, Mike Slater exposes multiple members of the Biden Crime Family and their shady business deals. 

In ‘The Biden Crime Family’ the reporter that discovered the Hunter Biden laptop tells his story, as well as other journalists who have been attacked for daring to tell the truth about the President’s Crime Syndicate.

The Global Energy War (Full Special)

The Global Energy War (Full Special)

The war between Russia and Ukraine has had far-reaching implications. One major impact has been on energy. Did you know that Europe used to get 45% of its energy from Russia? As a result of the war, that energy is now going to China. This all comes as the United States and Europe is attempting to undergo a green transition. So what’s the solution? Energy independence of course. Just as the United States is sitting on a bounty of natural gas, so is Europe. Learn more about this global situation on this special and what MCF Energy is doing to solve the problem.

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It’s easy to romanticize four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, especially given how ghastly awful the Biden Regime has been to date. Dodging an endless fusillade of political fire, in attempts to take him down, our Commander-in-Chief was able to accomplish great things…not the least of which was to stanch some of the bleeding incurred by the Obama Administration. 45’s command was rock solid. Or so we thought. Covid would be his undoing (and our country’s). The virus exposed and empowered some of the most sinister people in the media, tech, our government, and the global level — and Trump buckled. Mike Slater and his team of insiders look back at how the president handled some of the most pivotal events — so we can make a smart decision about whether he should be ‘our guy’ in 2024.

Who Is Ron DeSantis? (Exclusive)

Who Is Ron DeSantis? (Exclusive)

Ron DeSantis cruised to re-election in Florida with a historic victory.

Was his midterm performance a prequel to something bigger? Could the Governor of Florida be the next President of the United States?

Join the First TV as we take a closer look and the life and career of “America’s Governor” in our exclusive 1-hour special, “Who is Ron DeSantis?”

Mark Zuckerberg Exposed!

Mark Zuckerberg Exposed!

Mark Zuckerberg Is a modern-day mad scientist, straight from Central Casting. While it’s easy to mock his idiosyncratic manner and his fake ecosystems of Facebook and META, most people do not realize the guy is evil. Zuckerberg’s influence in manipulating elections and arming the Left with powerful propaganda platforms cannot be underestimated. And just when you think you’ve heard it all with this guy, you learn that his reach is far deeper, and intentions are far more sinister than you could have imagined. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist — or a professional coder, in this case — to know that something is off with him. Join Jesse Kelly as he EXPOSES the Truth about Mark Zuckerberg.

American Scandal: Hillary Clinton

American Scandal: Hillary Clinton

Ever since she first stepped onto the public stage, Hillary Clinton has been a lightning rod for controversy. From her beginnings as the first lady of Arkansas in 1979 all the way through her failed presidential campaign in 2016, scandals and accusations of corruption have persistently swirled around Clinton–a woman who would seemingly stop at nothing to achieve her political ambitions.