Buck Sexton – 09-15-21

Buck Sexton – 09-15-21

09-15-2021: A bombshell revelation from Bob Woodward’s new book alleges that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley reached out to Chinese leaders in the waning days of the Trump administration to assure them that he would call them in the case of an imminent American attack, and a majority of Californians …

The Hopeless State of California

The Hopeless State of California

California, the dream state or the hopeless state? There is no better argument than that against California Governor Gavin Newsom, yet he prevailed in the recall election yesterday, and even had some choice words to say in his victory speech after the results were read. On today’s show, Mike Slater explains why the ship has sailed in hopeless California, as he shares a story about the history of California, and even how he had to deal with voter fraud in the recall election.

Mike Slater-Sept. 15

Mike Slater-Sept. 15

As Gavin Newsom survives his recall, Californians brace themselves for a whole lot more of the same. Have we not learned our lesson yet? Mike explains why when it comes to California…history always repeats itself. Plus, why are politics driving mandate policy more than science. And Mike helps debunk The 1619 Project’s plan to divide America. Jennifer Stefano and Mary Grabar joins the show to discuss all this and more.

The Fight Against Mandates in Schools

The Fight Against Mandates in Schools

Corey A. DeAngelis, Ph.D., National Director of Research at the American Federation for Children, joins the show to discuss Biden’s new mandate madness, the reason why the Teachers Union may not support the new vaccine mandates, and how the union is destroying their own empire. You can help to fund students, not systems at fundstudentsnotsystems.org.

The Dana Show – Sept 14

The Dana Show – Sept 14

Mandate madness, the future of vaccine mandates, Blinken testimony, AOC’s ‘Tax The Rich’ Dress, Dems to Hike Taxes, Nicki Minaj fires back at MSNBC’s Reid on vaccine hesitancy, Biden not in control, Flip-Flop Fauci, Hunter Biden laptop story, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.