Church Vs. State (Special)

Church Vs. State (Special)

There’s never been a period in the history of America where The State has more forcefully tried to pulverize The People’s ability to pray, worship, and gather. Bureaucrats, craven and drunk on power at the same time, used Covid as an excuse to step up their effort to isolate us from each other and from God. But Americans of faith have fought back and are winning on many fronts, using the US Constitution as both a sword and a shield. In this special, Mike & panel look back in time, to reveal what Thomas Jefferson wrote about the limits of government and liberties of citizens, when it comes to religion. How is history continuing to inform cases today? And how can history help the faithful keep the faith?

The Dana Show – JULY 29

The Dana Show – JULY 29

U.S. Prices Will Keep Climbing, Congress Sends Chips Bill To Biden’s Desk, AOC Accuses Gun Manufacturers, D.C. Mayor Asks For National Guard, The China-Taiwan Tensions Escalate, Grover Norquist & Kris Kobach join the show, The Latest On Coronavirus, Today In Wokery, Quickfive, FL Man, Today In Stupidity & more.



It’s time to talk about the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When exactly did things go so south? Was there ever a time when The Bureau was a white hat agency, really protecting Americans from real threats to their safety and to national security? In this special, Jesse Kelly exposes the truth and reveals the good, the bad, and the long-forgotten. Were The Feds at Waco and Ruby Ridge good guys or bad guys, both, or neither? And what about January 6th? All of that and more gets broken down on this episode