Dana Loesch – July 13

Dana Loesch – July 13

The inconsistencies on mask wearing, lockdowns in the U.S., Police raid the McCloskeys house and confiscate guns, the war on rights, cancel culture backfires, trust in Mail-in ballots, reactions to Roger Stone’s commutation,

Biden’s a Hypocrite

Biden’s a Hypocrite

Billy O’Reilly exposes Joe Biden’s adoption of Bernie Sanders’ extreme agenda. His anti-police rhetoric wouldn’t be so bad had he not co-sponsored the “tough on crime” bill as a U.S. Senator. “It provided 100,000 new police officers… $10 billion in prison funding.” NO SPIN NEWS

Mike Slater – July 13

Mike Slater – July 13

Mike Slater details the dangers to the First Amendment from the rise of cancel culture and looks at whether we are ready to pay the price to maintain our freedoms. Mike also speaks to a top virologist about the progress being made in developing a COVID-19 vaccine

Trump 2020: Battle For America

Trump 2020: Battle For America

Jesse Kelly takes a deep dive on President Trump’s bid for re-election. Jesse takes a closer look at whether Trump’s plan to focus on monuments and heritage is a winning strategy. Jesse and his guests also look at Joe Biden’s game plan, and the president’s support in the black community.

Redford Is Wrong!

Redford Is Wrong!

​ @Bill O’Reilly debunks Robert Redford’s justification for endorsing Joe Biden who he says has the “experience & intelligence” that will restore “dignity & efficiency” to the White House. “It’s not about Trump versus Biden, it’s about Trump versus Trump.”