
Woke Culture

WATCH: NHL Player Explains Why He Won’t Wear a Rainbow Jersey for ‘Pride Night’

WATCH: NHL Player Explains Why He Won’t Wear a Rainbow Jersey for ‘Pride Night’

Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to wear a rainbow jersey and use a sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape during a Tuesday warm up, saying that the use of the gay icons conflicted with his Russian Orthodox beliefs. Watch Ivan Provorov defend his decision below: “I respect everybody. I respect everybody’s choices,” Provorov told reporters. …

CHICKENS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Bernie Blames Egg-Shortage on ‘Corporate Greed’ of Big Farmers

CHICKENS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Bernie Blames Egg-Shortage on ‘Corporate Greed’ of Big Farmers

Democrat-Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders blamed America’s ongoing egg-shortage on “corporate greed” Sunday, accusing major producers like ‘Land O’Lake’ of “corporate greed” and “record profits.” “Corporate greed is the producer of Egg-Land’s Best, Farmhouse Eggs & Land O’Lake Eggs, increasing its profits by 65% last quarter to a record-breaking $198 million while doubling the price of …

HELL FREEZES OVER: Don Lemon Calls Out Schumer’s Blatant Hypocrisy to His Face

HELL FREEZES OVER: Don Lemon Calls Out Schumer’s Blatant Hypocrisy to His Face

“This doesn’t sound that much different than the former President,” began Lemon. “There’s a Special Prosecutor. Let’s see what they have to say,” said Schumer. “I have to say this, you seem much more measured about this than with the Trump documents,” fired-back Lemon. Watch the exchange above.

HERE WE GO! CNN’s Climate Guy Says Gas Stoves Like ‘Idling Car in an Apartment’

HERE WE GO! CNN’s Climate Guy Says Gas Stoves Like ‘Idling Car in an Apartment’

CNN’s climate expert Bill Weir weighed-in Wednesday on Democrats’ latest liberal priority: banning gas stoves in the United States. “The science is showing us having a gas stove, in a small apartment especially with bad ventilation, is like having a car idling there. If you have young kids, it can affect cognitive abilities, as well …

SQUAD RAGE! Cori Bush Accuses Republican Byron Donalds of ‘Perpetuating White Supremacy’

SQUAD RAGE! Cori Bush Accuses Republican Byron Donalds of ‘Perpetuating White Supremacy’

Squad-member Cori Bush unloaded on Republican Byron Donalds this week, accusing the African American candidate for Speaker of the House of “perpetuating white supremacy.” “Byron Donalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy. His name being …

‘THEY’RE EVIL’: Libs of TikTok Founder Talks with Tucker, Calls Gender Ideology an ‘Evil Cult’

‘THEY’RE EVIL’: Libs of TikTok Founder Talks with Tucker, Calls Gender Ideology an ‘Evil Cult’

The person behind the ‘Libs of TikTok’ account spoke with Tucker Carlson this week; describing the “cult” surrounding gender ideology and its impact on America’s children. “There’s something so unique about the LGBTQ community. It’s become this cult and it’s captivating. It pulls people in. They brainwash people to join. They convince them,” explained Chaya …

THE WOKE COMMERCIAL CHALLENGE: Can You Guess What this Advertisement is Actually Selling?

THE WOKE COMMERCIAL CHALLENGE: Can You Guess What this Advertisement is Actually Selling?

A commercial making the rounds on social media checks all of the woke boxes: an hispanic family gathering for dinner, an old man putting on makeup, and a young man coming out as trans. But can you actually figure out what this commercial is selling? Watch the video and take the challenge yourself:

CAMPUS INSANITY: Stanford Cancels Word ‘American’, Term is ‘Racist, Violent, Biased’

CAMPUS INSANITY: Stanford Cancels Word ‘American’, Term is ‘Racist, Violent, Biased’

A new report from the Wall Street Journal is highlighting the progressive agenda at Stanford University. The Ivy League Institution is now recommending people avoid the term “American” because it is “biased.” From Stanford University: The goal of the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative is to eliminate* many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, …

WHAT NOW? Elizabeth Warren Vows to Fight for the ‘Dignity of Fine Art Museum Security Guards’

WHAT NOW? Elizabeth Warren Vows to Fight for the ‘Dignity of Fine Art Museum Security Guards’

Radical Senator Elizabeth Warren continued her progressive crusade this week when she vowed to fight for the “respect and dignity” of security guards at Fine Art Museums in Boston and around the country. This weekend I visited Boston’s jewel of an art museum @mfaboston. I stand with workers organizing for respect and dignity for MFA …