HILARIOUS: North Korea’s New Propaganda Video
HILARIOUS: North Korea’s New Propaganda Video
Jesse wants a propaganda video the way North Korea does it.
BURRITO BULL: North Korea Claiming Kim Jong Il Invented the Burrito, are Totally Serious
BURRITO BULL: North Korea Claiming Kim Jong Il Invented the Burrito, are Totally Serious
According to Rondong Sinmun, North Korea’s state-run newspaper, Kim Jong Il invented burritos. That’s right, the Tex-Mex favorite enjoyed by folks all over the world for more than 100 years, was actually created in 2011 by NK’s Supreme Leader, shortly before his heart attack. He called them “wheat wraps” —but still totally gets the credit. …
WORSE THAN NORTH KOREA? Defector Says Ivy League Institutions Are ‘Insane’
WORSE THAN NORTH KOREA? Defector Says Ivy League Institutions Are ‘Insane’
“Even North Korea is not this nuts.” Watch North Korean defector, author and Columbia University alum Yeonmi Park explain how America’s future “is as bleak as North Korea” after being put through the grinder of one of our Ivy League institutions. Park told Fox News, “I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this …