Joe Biden

INFLATION is GOOD! Media Desperately Spins Brutal Economic Report to Protect Joe Biden

INFLATION is GOOD! Media Desperately Spins Brutal Economic Report to Protect Joe Biden

Members of the mainstream media desperately tried to spin Wednesday’s brutal inflation report to protect Joe Biden’s economic agenda, with outlets like Bloomberg, the Washington Post, and Reuters basically claiming it’s ‘No Big Deal’ price indexes rose at the fastest rate since 2008. “So, the inflation report wasn’t a nothingburger, but it was sort of …

WATCH: Biden Tries and Repeatedly Fails to Read Teleprompter… AGAIN

WATCH: Biden Tries and Repeatedly Fails to Read Teleprompter… AGAIN

President Biden once again confused millions of Americans trying to find the COVID-19 vaccine Tuesday; misreading his teleprompter when instructing citizens to text their zip codes to a government hotline. “To help us get there, we’ve added two, new tools, one, Americans can go to or… they can text their zip code to three, …

CARTER PART II: #GasShortage Trends on Twitter, Long Lines at Stations in South, Northeast

CARTER PART II: #GasShortage Trends on Twitter, Long Lines at Stations in South, Northeast

The hashtag ‘GasShortage’ trended on Twitter Tuesday after a cyberattack against a major energy pipeline created fuel shortages in the southeastern United States; prompting many to label President Biden “Jimmy Carter Part II.” Joe Biden told reporters Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin could be behind the attack; saying his regime may hold “some responsibility.” …

BIDEN: ‘We Don’t See Much Evidence’ Unemployment Benefits Keeping Americans at Home

BIDEN: ‘We Don’t See Much Evidence’ Unemployment Benefits Keeping Americans at Home

President Biden addressed the growing concern that millions of Americans are refusing to return to the work force due to generous unemployment benefits Monday; saying he’s simply not “seeing much evidence of that.” “I know there’s been a lot of discussion since Friday’s report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go …

NO BIG DEAL? Biden Says US ‘On the Right Track’ After Job Report Disaster

NO BIG DEAL? Biden Says US ‘On the Right Track’ After Job Report Disaster

President Biden refused to acknowledge April’s horrendous job report Friday afternoon; telling Americans the country “is on the right track” despite the biggest gap in private payroll expectations since 1998. “This month’s job numbers show we’re on the right track. We still have a long way to go,” said the President. Watch Biden’s remarks above.