critical race theory

‘THIS IS CHILD ABUSE’: Footage Leaks of Brooklyn Teacher’s CRT Training for Fifth Graders

‘THIS IS CHILD ABUSE’: Footage Leaks of Brooklyn Teacher’s CRT Training for Fifth Graders

Footage appeared on social media this week allegedly showing a Fifth Grade teachers program to promote ‘Critical Race Theory’ among her students, with one man describing the video as a clear case of “child abuse.” “What are some racial differences that you’ve noticed?” asked the instructor at one point. “What is the dominant culture? What …

‘YOU WORK FOR ME!’ Mom TORCHES School Board on CRT, Says Teachers ‘Mentally Abusing’ Children

‘YOU WORK FOR ME!’ Mom TORCHES School Board on CRT, Says Teachers ‘Mentally Abusing’ Children

A mother absolutely erupted on her local school board this week over the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ in public education; saying she’ll take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. “Why can we not let the public speak? You’re teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers. I have the proof!” …

Critical Race Theory Exposed!

Critical Race Theory Exposed!

Critical Race Theory is nothing short of the demonization of a race. It has been compared to the dangerous demagoguery used by dictators who sought to cleanse their populations of undesirable ethnicities. CRT has infiltrated just about every institution in America including public and private schools, colleges and universities, the church, government, corporate, and the military. CRT is based on a distortion of American history — that this country’s founding was based on the advancement of slavery — is promoted by the dominant media and has further divided our nation, during a time when we have never been more vulnerable. Is it too late to resist this insidious ideology, which is being drilled into our children’s heads? Mike Slater and his multi-ethnic panel of experts will share how they are saying N-O to C-R-T!

A Black Organization Opposed to Critical Race Theory DISMANTLES CRT in One Simple Graph

A Black Organization Opposed to Critical Race Theory DISMANTLES CRT in One Simple Graph

The organization ‘Take Charge’ -an African American group opposing Critical Race Theory- dismantled the entire concept in one simple graph over the weekend; illustrating the deep connection between financial security and intact families. “Proponents of CRT like to use racial income disparities to justify their agenda. What they don’t tell you is that there’s a …

WATCH: Furious Virginia Mom DISMANTLES ‘Critical Race Theory’ at School Board Meeting

WATCH: Furious Virginia Mom DISMANTLES ‘Critical Race Theory’ at School Board Meeting

An enraged mother in Virginia sounded-off at a local school board meeting this week over ‘Critical Race Theory’ in her district; calling the ideology “racist and abusive.” “CRT is not an honest dialogue. It was a tactic used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slaves many years ago to dumb down my ancestors …