SOYLENT GREEN! Eco-Activists Promote ‘Human Composting’ to Fight Climate Change

A new report from the Chicago Tribune is disturbing countless Americans this week, with some radical climate activists arguing that “human composting” is a good method of fighting global warming.

From the Chicago Tribune:

Daniel Hennessy’s mother didn’t want to be buried when she died, because she didn’t want her body to take up any land.

He wasn’t a fan of cremation, but given his mother’s request, he felt that was the only option when she died a few years ago.

Hennessey began reading up on a process called natural organic reduction, which allows human remains to be converted into soil. It’s also known as “human composting.”

He came to find it both honorable and eco-friendly.

“I think that the human composting option appears to be the best for the environment. It makes sense. It’s a slow process. So it feels a bit more dignified than being burned at 1,200 degrees,” said Hennessy, a native of England who lives in Chicago.