The Dana Show

Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.

Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!

Dana Loesch – June 7

Dana Loesch – June 7

The fight for America, the new narrative on race, Jimmy John’s gets canceled, Rioters kill an 8 year old in Atlanta, Bubba vs. Trump, Facebook steps up to CHINA, more violent crime spikes after calls to defund police, Kanye 2020?, Coronavirus numbers, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – July 2

Dana Loesch – July 2

America at it’s limit, hundreds arrested in Hong Kong crack down, CO Si[re,e Court rules on magazine ban, tribal leaders call for the removal of Mount Rushmore, gun purchases skyrocket, Cali locks down again, latest on Tech, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – June 29

Dana Loesch – June 29

The war on Facebook, protests & riots around the u.s., calls for Mayor Krewson grow, golf cart boogaloo, Golden Girls & cancel culture, wokeness in America, what you’re not hearing about the Wuhan Coronavirus, SCOTUS strikes down abortion law, International update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – June 26

Dana Loesch – June 26

Joe Biden’s latest blunders draw more concern, the call for defunding police, 2020 polling, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, Facebook vs. the left, CHAZ/CHOP sells out to Biden, Trump being sued over memes, mainstream media bias exposed, Hatemail, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – June 24

Dana Loesch – June 24

NASCAR noose debunked, more Twitter censorship, Vineyard Vines gets canceled, China is coming for your info again, latest on the Wuhan Coronavirus, the fight over facemasks, headlines, FL man, Today in stupidity & more

Dana Loesch – June 23

Dana Loesch – June 23

The canceling of “white Jesus”, The war on cops rages on, CHAZ/CHOP to be dismantled, Congress holds heading on Coronavirus pandemic, threat of jail time issued after more vandalism across the country, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – June 22

Dana Loesch – June 22

Weekend recap, Trump’s Tulsa rally, rage mob goes after the founding fathers, the war on Western Civilization, shooting at CHAZ/CHOP, calling out the media, International update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – June 19

Dana Loesch – June 19

What’s in the new bailout package, Race riots & police, big tech’s war on us, campus war on free speech, Mark Twain gets canceled, #RIPTacoBell trends, the return of Hate Mail, open-line, FL man headlines & more

Dana Loesch – June 18

Dana Loesch – June 18

The national conversation about use of deadly force, Atlanta Police walk out, race relations in America, the latest on police reform, SCOTUS & DACA, Bolton’s book, Andy McCarthy & Phil Kerpen join the show, headlines, FL man & more