No Apologies

Dana Loesch isn’t holding back, and she’s offering no apologies! If you want unfiltered opinions about what’s going on, then “No Apologies” is your show. Watch every weeknight at 6p ET on The First!

Dana Loesch-Oct 11

Dana Loesch-Oct 11

Flight cancellations as workers reject vaccine mandates; Victor Davis Hanson joins to discuss the diminishing power of the Independent American Citizen; Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt joins to discuss his recent trip to the border and auditing the OK dept. of education; The fight over Columbus Day

Dana Loesch-Oct 8

Dana Loesch-Oct 8

YouTube censors ‘vaccine misinformation; Tn. State Sen. Brian Kelsey fights for the rights of businesses to challenge vaccine mandates; Dave Rubin joins to discuss the culture war in America; CNN calls for more social media censorship

The Truman Show Presidency

The Truman Show Presidency

Biden has continuously turned his back on reporters after many press briefings, telling them that he was told not to answer any questions. He reads the teleprompter, and then awkwardly walks away, with many questions still left unanswered. From his botched U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan, to the COVID pandemic, Biden seems to have doubled down on bad policies, and made a mockery out of his ‘Build Back Better’ agenda. With his Left-wing, Radical, and extremely low-approval rating presidency, we just may be living in the first Truman Show presidency. Dana Loesch shares her thoughts on Joe ‘No questions’ Biden.

Dana Loesch-Oct 7

Dana Loesch-Oct 7

White House creates a fake set for Biden events; Ross Kennedy joins to discuss the growing port congestion and supply chain crisis; Christian Watson joins to discuss the Salvation Army going woke; CNN calls for insane social media overreach

AG Merrick Garland GASLIGHTS Parents

AG Merrick Garland GASLIGHTS Parents

Parents are finally waking up and exercising their rights to peacefully protest the woke culture infecting schools, also known as CRT, yet they are being labeled as ‘domestic terrorists’ by the NSBA and the DOJ for doing so. Now, Attorney General Merrick Garland is taking his own stand by cracking down on these peaceful anti-CRT and mask mandate protests, by GASLIGHTING parents in a scathing memo, stating that this will not be tolerated. It’s interesting how the Democrats will tolerate the violent BLM protestors destroying America’s cities, lighting fires on streets, beating people, Americans even getting killed at the hands of these protestors. That’s okay according to our government, but parents standing up for their children is wrong? Dana Loesch bends the knee on democracy in America.

The Culture War in America

The Culture War in America

Host of ‘The Rubin Report’ and Author of ‘Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia,’ Dave Rubin, joins Dana to discuss how America is at a crossroads, the culture war in America, and Rubin even shares a story about he was turned away from an in-person appearance in Los Angeles, due to his PERSONAL CHOICE to not share his vaccine status or show a vaccine card.

Dana Loesch-Oct 6

Dana Loesch-Oct 6

DOJ to target parents who “intimidate” teachers, Rep. Byron Donald’s joins with an update on the dems spending bill; Dave Rubin joins to discuss His run in with vaccine mandates and the culture war in America; The war on women grift

Dana Loesch – Oct 5

Dana Loesch – Oct 5

The CDC wants to regulate guns; FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joins the show to talk about the FCC ruling on Twitter of throttling of the Hunter Biden article and YouTube banning accounts with vaccine ‘misinformation;’ Lily Tang Williams joins to discuss surviving Communism and the Marxist poison infecting America; and the evacuation charter flights with Americans on board denied permission to land in U.S.