
Free Britney Spears!

Free Britney Spears!

Pop star Britney Spears is in a fight for her life…literally. First TV contributor Morgan Zegers joins Buck to shed some light on her efforts to fight against the legal conservatorship that’s taken over her life.

Standing Up for Fair and Equal Sports

Standing Up for Fair and Equal Sports

World Champion track athlete, Cynthia Monteleone, is now breaking her silence to defend women’s athletics. Cynthia and her 16-year-old daughter have both competed against biological males identifying as women. With the Olympics in a few weeks, she has decided enough is enough. She will no longer keep her mouth shut, as she was told to …

The Democrats Are After Your Money

The Democrats Are After Your Money

Hopefully you have some deep pockets in those jeans, because the Dems are dipping into the them to get you to pay more in taxes. Biden’s plan would impose the largest tax hike in American history. Congressman Mike Kelly sits down with Dana to discuss why Biden’s plan is a ‘death tax’ scheme.

Why People Blame Everything on Racism

Why People Blame Everything on Racism

27 years ago, Scottie Pippen quit on his team during the playoffs because he wasn’t center-stage; It wasn’t all about him. Yesterday, Pippen went on the Dan Patrick Show and called his former Coach, Phil Jackson A RACIST. This is what systematic racism is. Blaming other people, or external things, for your problems. Painting others …

America, The Narcissistic Nation

America, The Narcissistic Nation

An Olympic athlete is set to represent the United States at the Olympics in Tokyo in a few weeks, yet chooses to turn her back on the flag and the National Anthem because she is an “Activist.” Gwen Berry said she felt like PLAYING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AT A SPORTS EVENT WAS “all a set-up …

The Left’s Strangle on Our Culture

The Left’s Strangle on Our Culture

The media attacks yet another Republican, but goes silent on the allegations against Governor Cuomo. Kaelan Dorr, Vice President of Communications and Director of the Center for Media Accountability, shares his side on the political activism and propaganda in today’s media. The media’s mission is sadly no longer about covering facts or original reporting, and …