Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.
The NY Times reported that former President George W. Bush won’t vote for President Donald Trump. A few hours later, a spokesperson for the president said the report was FALSE. Bill O’Reilly says this type of corruption is now standard procedure for the media.
Now that the NFL has reversed its position on kneeling during the national anthem, Bill O’Reilly says the league has an “enormous” problem on its hands.
Bill O’Reilly says black and white Americans have a hard time discussing police reform because both have such different experiences and perspectives on the issue. The REAL solution no one is talking about, he says, begins with equal access to a quality education.
Three prominent military leaders have turned on President Trump in recent days. Generals James Mattis, John Kelly and Colin Powell have all spoken out against the President’s threat to use the military to protect the American people…if city mayors and state Governors fail to. What exactly is wrong with that?
Bill O’Reilly provides updates on new cases across the country as our nation re-opens. Plus, a UC at Berkeley study says the shutdown prevented 60 million new cases of Covid-19. Really? 60 million? And on This Day in History: James Earl Ray arrested in 1968 for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bill O’Reilly explains why the power of Hollywood and the mainstream media is so influential in swaying disengaged voters. Plus, he breaks down the left’s “virtue signaling” and why it’s making him “almost physically ill.”
Bill O’Reilly says LeBron James is WRONG for leading the charge to shame Drew Brees into apologizing for defending the American flag. Since when is it a crime to love your country?