Mike Slater

Mike Slater is the host of a widely popular radio show that airs daily on KGB-AM in San Diego. He also appears frequently as a guest on FOX Business, FOX News, and The Blaze, and has guest hosted on CNN Headline News.

A graduate of Yale, his passion is to speak about traditional American values and stand up for the pro-life movement. On his radio show, Mike speaks to the Conservative heart by focusing on the five values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest, and love. Where other talk hosts may use anger, frustration, and hopelessness to talk about current events, Slater tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values.

Mike is the author of “How To Change Someone’s Mind” and the children’s book “Imagine Jack and the History Kids,” and was named Top 5 “Young Guns” of Talk Radio by TALKERS Magazine.

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Police are in the crosshairs now more than ever. Not only is it open season on cops, who are being targeted for ambush and assassination, there is an all-out movement to eliminate law enforcement from the framework of our nation entirely. Anti-cop sentiment has infected every town, city, and county…every institution in America, including and especially academia. Mike Slater’s panel of LEO experts talk about life on the job, the risks, rewards, and why they stay — despite the dangers. Our goal with this special is to present a case for empathy for police officers, the men and women whose sworn oath is to protect and serve the community.

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

There’s an all-out assault on human biology & human nature…a true Gender War. The Left has methodically and systematically set out to destroy the differences between men and women: from teaching small children they should question their ‘gender,’ and allowing them to begin transitioning at younger and younger ages, to promoting the notion of fluidity and a seemingly infinite number of ‘genders.’ The aim is transparent to those of us paying attention: to blow up traditional family structures and sex-linked roles. Ultimately, they would like to see the nuclear family vanish, so it can be replaced by a relationship with government. But Mike and his panel are not going to let that happen! Want to know how? Watch!