WHOA BABY! Apple Releases ‘Pregnant Man’ Emoji for Latest iPhone Software

Users of the iPhone and other Apple products will have a new series of emojis to choose from when the company release its latest software updates, including a “pregnant man” icon.

“The pregnant emoji aren’t new for some, since they arrived as part of an update that emoji-encyclopedia Emojipedia announced in September 2021. However, Apple’s version of the emoji were released Thursday as part of iOS 15.4 beta — a voluntary system update iPhone users can choose to install,” reports Fox News.

“According to health website Healthline.com, people who were born biologically female but identify as men are transgender men who can give birth because they have the reproductive organs necessary to do so — especially those who do not take or have stopped taking testosterone. The same goes for those who identify as non-binary,” adds Fox.

Read the full report at Fox News.