‘WE’RE BUILDING OUR OWN BORDER WALL’: Abbott Pledges New Wall Construction by End of Year

Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) continues to step up to control the unchecked migration at the southern border. According to a local NBC affiliate in El Paso, TX, “the state of Texas has started building its own border barrier, with The Department of Public Safety saying that a portion of the new border barrier will be completed by the end of 2021.”

“In addition, the Governor said that the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety continue to send out military vehicles, gear and personnel, along the Rio Grande River to help keep the border secure, adding that they are ready for the next caravan heading towards the United States,” the report added.

Governor Abbott recently shared a short video on Twitter of Texas’ tactical vehicles heading towards the southern border.

“More Texas National Guard tactical vehicles being deployed at the southern border. Texas is ready for any incoming caravans attempting to cross into our state. We are the first & last line of defense at our border,” the governor tweeted.