New York City Up in Arms

New York City Up in Arms

Governor Cuomo declares a first-ever gun violence emergency in the state of New York, and signed new legislation to hold gun manufacturers accountable for any destruction their guns may cause. Since when is criminal activity like a public health epidemic, where you need to declare a state of emergency? We are not talking about COVID …

The Fight for Election Integrity

The Fight for Election Integrity

The Radical Left seeks to centralize voting, by taking away states control of elections. We need to clean up the voting system, especially seeing how the last election went. Ken Cuccinelli, National Chairman, Election Transparency Initiative sits down with Dana to discuss the big summer ahead of election policy.

The Motivation Behind Cyberattacks

The Motivation Behind Cyberattacks

What’s the motivation behind these cyberattacks on our U.S. systems? General Keith Kellogg sits down with Mike Slater for our “Battleground: The New Cyber War” special, to discuss what particular nation or coalition is behind most of the cyber warfare? As General Kellogg states, they are seeing just how vulnerable we are, how we react …

Battleground: The New Cyber War

Battleground: The New Cyber War

Warnings about America’s cyber vulnerability are coming more frequently, especially in the months since the Biden Administration has indicated how unwilling it is to issue enforceable threats against our enemies. Remember the time President Biden gave Russia an off-limits-infrastructure list, as if to say, ‘go ahead and attack anything else that strikes your fancy!’? But this is deadly serious, and the consequences of an extended power grid outage or transportation grid hack are even more serious and deadly. In this special, Mike Slater and guests cut right to the chase about who’s coming for us and whether our governments and industries are fortifying America’s life-supporting cyber infrastructure.