Big Gifts to Big Tech

Big Gifts to Big Tech

President Biden signed an executive order on his big tech and big telecom plan, while reviving net neutrality that the Trump administration previously nullified. The Greatest threat to freedom on the internet is big tech, so what does this all mean for us? FCC Commissioner, Brendan Carr, has the details.

No Apologies – July 12

No Apologies – July 12

Cuba fights for freedom, Corey DeAngelis joins to discuss school choice and the future of education, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joins to discuss Biden’s revival of net neutrality, Kamala Harris insults the majority of Americans with ignorant comments

Dems Control Narrative

Dems Control Narrative

The feeling of power is an interesting thing. It makes you feel like you are on top of the world. Everyone listens to you because you are in control. That’s what is happening here over this whole vaccine campaign with President Biden and Dr. Fauci. More lockdowns, more mask mandates, a door-to-door campaign to get …

Mike Slater – July 12

Mike Slater – July 12

From COVID regulations to the FBI spying on citizens, freedom is under fire in America. Could we wind up like Canada where churches are currently burning to the ground? Mike Slater strikes the root of all this. Plus, protests against the communist regime are ongoing in Cuba. Why is the Biden administration covering it up? Bryan Suits joins Mike Slater to give his thoughts.

True Story with Mike Slater | 7-12-21

Welcome to Woke University

Welcome to Woke University

Our cultural pillars of society, such as the media, politicians, entertainment, our justice system, and especially our universities. Can we really depend on them? These American institutions are teaching wokeism, and teaching our children to hate our country. Most of the people at the top of these pillars went to elite universities. These elite universities …