A Ukraine Conspiracy

A Ukraine Conspiracy

Why has America been dumping millions on millions of dollars into Ukraine? Is it truly to help them fight off the great Russian army? Or is there more than meets the eye that us regular citizens are unaware of what’s happening?

The Mark Houck Trial

The Mark Houck Trial

Merrick Garland did his best to try and throw Mark Houck behind bars for 11 years…..but as of this week Houck has all of his charges dropped and is a free man. Scratch one up for the good guys!

A Conspiracy Theory About Ukraine

A Conspiracy Theory About Ukraine

What is the real reason the U.S. is giving all of our money to Ukraine, sending them tanks, and funding their war? Separating fact from fiction, Liz breaks down the latest conspiracy theory about America’s stake in Ukraine, and it all comes back to… wait for it… Big Pharma. Plus, this is a major legal victory for conservatives against Biden’s corrupt DOJ. This is The Liz Wheeler Show.