Biden’s Betrayal Will Live in Infamy

Military 101: Standing up and saying what you did wrong. Being vulnerable and accepting errors. Our military leaders failed to do so. If you believe that something is unlawful, there is such thing as an unlawful order in the military. Our military leaders, again, failed to do just that. Just as our military Generals let us down, President Biden, the Commander-in-Chief for the United States, he also betrayed an entire nation. We left Afghan interpreters, U.S. citizens, and other U.S. visa applicants all behind in Afghanistan. It’s irresponsible of the Biden administration to even try and say all of these people had the chance or choice, but chose not to flee Afghanistan. Biden’s long list of betrayal of Afghans and Americans will live in infamy. Major Glenn Ignazio, sits down with Dana to discuss all of Biden’s failures in Afghanistan, and why extraction should have been from the U.S. embassy, directly.