WATCH: Trump Reveals ‘Real State of the Union’ in Biden Rebuttal

President Donald Trump went on the offense against President Biden in his response to the State of the Union address, claiming he will “end the destruction of our country” if Americans reelect him in 2024.

Watch Trump’s response below:

Trump began his rebuttal by criticizing Biden’s open-border policies.

“Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border,” Trump noted. “Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children, savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave.”

Trump also attacked Biden for his failed economic policies.

“Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century,” the former president said. “Real wages are down 21 months in a row. Gas prices have soared. And are now going up much higher than even before and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year.”