WATCH: Middle Schooler Accused of ‘Sexual Harassment’ for Using Wrong Pronouns

A Wisconsin Middle Schooler accused of “sexual harassment” for misgendering a peer is now worried the allegation could hurt his chances of being admitted to college years in the future.

“There was a student in my music class who came out as non-binary. The pronouns were extremely confusing to me… I accidentally slipped up and used the wrong pronouns and before I knew it was slapped with a letter that said I was accused of sexual harassment… A charge like that on my record could shatter my chances at getting into a college when I grow up,” said the student.

From Fox News:

A Wisconsin middle schooler, who is accused of sexual harassment for misgendering a classmate, said he is afraid for his future if the Title IX violation is not removed from his record. 

Rosemary Rabidoux told Fox News Digital she received a phone call from the school’s principal saying she would be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against her son, Braden.

“I immediately thought, ‘sexual harassment, that’s rape, that’s incest, that’s inappropriate touching, even grotesque language could go that far.’ And when I asked him what my son did, he said that he did not use the correct pronouns,” she said. 

Braden is one of three Wisconsin students facing sexual harassment charges from their middle school over accusations they used incorrect pronouns when addressing a fellow student. 

“I was anxious and scared and upset because I didn’t know what was going to happen,” Braden said. “But mostly anxious for my present self and my future self because a charge like that on my record could shatter my chances at getting into a college when I grow up.” 

Rabidoux said Braden’s school cut her out of the process and did not communicate what the allegations were about.