Things keep getting worse for Biden and his vax mandates. The President lost a handful of court battles last week in which his mandates for healthcare workers were suspended. Now, GOP members in the Senate are looking to ban mandates for private businesses altogether.
The GOP plus Democrat Senator Joe Manchin, that is.
According to the Daily Wire, “Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun led GOP senators with a challenge last month under the Congressional Review Act that would allow Congress to disapprove of the mandate.” Senator Manchin, a key vote in the Senate, supports Braun’s efforts.
“In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and as the new Omicron variant emerges, I will not vote to shut down the government for purely political reasons. There is too much at stake for the American people,” Manchin says.
“But let me be clear, I do not support any government vaccine mandate on private businesses. That’s why I have cosponsored and will strongly support a bill to overturn the federal government vaccine mandate for private businesses. I have long said we should incentivize, not penalize, private employers whose responsibility it is to protect their employees from COVID-19. I have personally had both vaccine doses and a booster shot and I continue to urge every West Virginian to get vaccinated themselves.” he added.
Braun calls the mandate an “unconstitutional invasion” and likely has the support to pass a ban.
“President Biden’s vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional invasion of what should be a personal medical decision for every American and an affront to the rights of 80 million American workers,” Braun said in a statement to Fox News last month.
“My Republican colleagues and I will formally challenge this federal overreach, and I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution when it comes to the Floor for a filibuster-proof, simple-majority vote,” he added.