It’s not over in Pennsylvania
It’s not over in Pennsylvania
It’s still not over in the state of Pennsylvania where a key race could shape the future of the Senate. Trump-backed celebrity doctor, Mehmet Oz, holds a razor-thin advantage over former finance executive David McCormick, as the vote count continued into today.
PA: Oz-McCormick Senate Race
PA: Oz-McCormick Senate Race
Dana covers the latest on the tight Pennsylvania primary senate election.
The Penn State Scandal: How the Media Got it All Wrong
The Penn State Scandal: How the Media Got it All Wrong
Senior Columnist for Mediaite, John Ziegler, joins Jesse to discuss how the public’s trust in the media nears an all-time low, as Jesse and John revisit the Penn State Scandal, and discuss how the media got it all wrong.
Bystanders WATCH As Woman Is Raped on the Train
Bystanders WATCH As Woman Is Raped on the Train
What may be the most disheartening story thus far, comes out of Pennsylvania, where a woman was raped on board a SEPTA train, as bystanders witnessed the attack, but did not intervene. What is wrong with America? Americans’ values are in crisis. Our country and city leaders care more about enforcing mask mandates, telling us what to put into our bodies, mobs walk into restaurants demanding people raise their fists for social justice; Yet, NO ONE, not one person lifted a finger on the train to help this defenseless woman out. We are failing as a nation, America. Dana Loesch has the details on this heartbreaking story.
IT’S A START: Officials in Pennsylvania Agree to ‘Remove Dead People from Voting Lists’
IT’S A START: Officials in Pennsylvania Agree to ‘Remove Dead People from Voting Lists’
Officials in the state of Pennsylvania reached a tentative agreement with outside groups and organizations Friday to remove “dead people” from voting lists before the 2022 Midterm Elections. “As of October 7, 2020, at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants have been dead for at least …