‘THE NEW YORK TIMES BURIED THIS’: Maher Destroys NYT for its Coverage of the Kavanaugh Murder Plot
‘THE NEW YORK TIMES BURIED THIS’: Maher Destroys NYT for its Coverage of the Kavanaugh Murder Plot
Real Time host Bill Maher absolutely torched the New York Times for burying the murder plot against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Maher says things would have been different if this was a liberal judge on the court. “The New York Times buried this. If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone …
The New York Times PRAISES Bill O’Reilly
The New York Times PRAISES Bill O’Reilly
“We’re all blessed with certain talents. That’s the key to life.”
New York Times smears Tucker Carlson
New York Times smears Tucker Carlson
The New York Times released a long profile on Tucker Carlson smearing the Fox News host as a racist. Buck speaks to the Deputy Editor of Real Clear Investigations Ben Weingarten about the hit piece.
Hunter’s Laptop Is Real
Hunter’s Laptop Is Real
Dana covers how Hunter Biden’s laptop story has been confirmed by The New York Times.
NYT Admits Hunter Laptop is Authentic
NYT Admits Hunter Laptop is Authentic
The New York Times has confirmed that the Hunter Biden laptop is authentic…too bad it happened a year and a half too late. Buck takes a look at the stunning admission from the Times.
Project Veritas VS. The NYT & FBI
Project Veritas VS. The NYT & FBI
After Project Veritas was targeted by the FBI, their privileged communications was leaked to the New York Times. Project Veritas is fighting back against the stasi-like regime and their attorney Harmeet Dhillon joined Dana to discuss the latest on the case.
Did the FBI Leak to the New York Times?
Did the FBI Leak to the New York Times?
A potential bombshell, as a federal judge orders the FBI to top collecting data in its investigation into Project Veritas. In today’s Buck Brief, we have more on that and the politicization of Federal Law enforcement.
NYT journalist blames Trump for getting lab leak theory wrong
NYT journalist blames Trump for getting lab leak theory wrong
With the lab leak hypothesis now gaining mainstream acceptance, journalists who once called the theory a “fringe conspiracy”, journalists are attempting to shift blame for getting it so wrong.