Ministry of truth put on hold

Ministry of truth put on hold

The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board has been put on ice by the Biden administration and its head, Nina Jankowicz, has reportedly resigned. The news comes just three weeks after the board was announced and follows the emergence of numerous posts and videos in which Jankowicz repeated left-wing talking points on Hunter Biden’s laptop and other controversial issues.

Mayorkas grilled on capitol hill

Mayorkas grilled on capitol hill

DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, was in the hot seat on Capitol Hill earlier today as lawmakers grilled him on the Biden Administration’s increasingly failing border policies.
Today’s hearing comes as a growing number of House Republicans plan to impeach Mayorkas as the border crisis worsens – and instead of leveling with the American people on the reality at the border, Mayorkas took the stand today and rambled off the classic White House talking points.