
WATCH: Pro-Democracy Cubans Gather in Front of the White House, Chant ‘FREEDOM!’

WATCH: Pro-Democracy Cubans Gather in Front of the White House, Chant ‘FREEDOM!’

A group of pro-Cuban protesters gathered in front of the White House in Washington Monday; demanding President Biden help their friends and family locked inside the Communist Country pursue “freedom” and “liberty.” “What do we want?” yelled one group of demonstrators. “Freedom!” replied the crowd. Watch the protests above.

‘DOESN’T DO ANYTHING’: AP Reporter Pushes Back on Biden’s Cuba Sanctions

‘DOESN’T DO ANYTHING’: AP Reporter Pushes Back on Biden’s Cuba Sanctions

When it comes to helping Cuba, the Biden administration didn’t go far enough. In a tense exchange between Associated Press reporter Matt Lee and State Department spokesman Ned Price , Lee lambasts the President’s latest sanctions on Cuba, saying they don’t do “anything new” and the impact is “negligible.” Here’s an excerpt from the exchange: …

DEMS CAVE: Biden FINALLY Answers the Call; Will Help Pro-Democracy Protestors in Cuba

DEMS CAVE: Biden FINALLY Answers the Call; Will Help Pro-Democracy Protestors in Cuba

He took his sweet time. According to a report from The Daily Mail, President Biden will announce new sanctions against Cuban officials for human rights violations. He will also restore internet access for pro-democracy protestors. “The moves represent the first steps taken by the Biden administration to apply pressure to Havana amid growing calls from …

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

Why is the U.S. embargo being blamed for empowering the Cuban regime? Former President Barack Obama even put an end to the embargo for a period of time, so clearly that’s not the problem. Dana Loesch breaks down why the American embargo is not to be blamed for what’s happening in Cuba.

SERIOUSLY? 1619 Project Founder Says Cuba ‘Most Equal Country’ in 2019 Interview

SERIOUSLY? 1619 Project Founder Says Cuba ‘Most Equal Country’ in 2019 Interview

“The most equal, multiracial country in our hemisphere.” In a 2019 interview with Vox’s Ezra Klein, New York Times journalist and 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones had strong praise for Cuba. “Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people of any place really in the hemisphere. I mean the Caribbean — most of …