
IRS’ Persecution of Christian Churches

IRS’ Persecution of Christian Churches

Years ago, the IRS went after Republicans and Conservatives who tried to apply for the tax-exempt status. Recently, the IRS told a Christian charity group that they are not allowed the tax-exempt status because their beliefs or views are too closely aligned to the Republican Party. As Congressman Mike Kelly explains, this is just another way of the government censoring and attacking people. Congressman Mike Kelly is here to raise awareness about this, and shares how we can hold the IRS accountable.

Free the Cake Baker!

Free the Cake Baker!

Masterpiece Cakeshop owner, Jack Phillips, has dealt with persistent persecution from the Left over the right to freely practice faith, his craft of creating magnificent cakes for over two decades, and for the right of free speech. Along with his Attorney, Jake Warner, Jack detail why standing up for one’s beliefs has landed him in court many times, facing numerous anti-discrimination lawsuits, in what feels like a never-ending battle with the court system.

Democrats Are Modern Day Pharisees

Democrats Are Modern Day Pharisees

The Marxist-core Democrat Party discovered that race can be weaponized, and through wokeism, the Dems aim to radically transform America. Take, for example Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, who believes in reparations and introduced a bill to Congress called the S.40. It is a total discord to America. Wokeism is a performative religion, to which the Dems …