
History of Gold in America | 04-30-21

History of Gold in America | 04-30-21

America’s affection for gold is almost as old as the nation itself. In this special show, Mike Slater and his guests explore why we’re so attracted to this precious element: What explains our emotional attachment to gold? What exactly is the Gold Standard? And what intrinsic value does gold hold as a tangible asset and as a commodity?

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Police are in the crosshairs now more than ever. Not only is it open season on cops, who are being targeted for ambush and assassination, there is an all-out movement to eliminate law enforcement from the framework of our nation entirely. Anti-cop sentiment has infected every town, city, and county…every institution in America, including and especially academia. Mike Slater’s panel of LEO experts talk about life on the job, the risks, rewards, and why they stay — despite the dangers. Our goal with this special is to present a case for empathy for police officers, the men and women whose sworn oath is to protect and serve the community.

BLM Exposed! | 04-22-21

BLM Exposed! | 04-22-21

It was only a matter of time before the truth about the Marxist organization deceptively labeled Black Lives Matter would be revealed. It is run by radical, anti-American profiteers, who have hijacked a legitimate civil rights issue, to hoard power and shred civilized society. One needs only to look around at the violence, rioting, and looting — and listen to the rhetoric which attempts to justify it as noble. The outrageousness of BML’s behavior and objectives seems all the more absurd and hypocritical, when you consider the multi-million dollar acquisition of private homes in California and reportedly offshore, by one of its founders, who’s made no secret of her Marxist beliefs. Jesse’s guests know what’s up and will help us all share the facts about their dangerous agenda and devious activities.



The corporate-mainstream-establishment media lies, omits, conflates, and misrepresents facts and circumstances. And they keep getting away with it. This guiding principle also applies to the techno-facscist power brokers. In fact, they are one and the same. BUT, there is a flipside to this lopsided coin…and reason to be hopeful! The marketplace is on fire when it comes to alternatives. There are other places to turn, across the digital and analog spectrum, if you want legitimate coverage. And don’t forget about the courts. Jesse and his panel of pioneers talk about the obstacles and opportunities that could be the keys to saving our country!

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

There’s an all-out assault on human biology & human nature…a true Gender War. The Left has methodically and systematically set out to destroy the differences between men and women: from teaching small children they should question their ‘gender,’ and allowing them to begin transitioning at younger and younger ages, to promoting the notion of fluidity and a seemingly infinite number of ‘genders.’ The aim is transparent to those of us paying attention: to blow up traditional family structures and sex-linked roles. Ultimately, they would like to see the nuclear family vanish, so it can be replaced by a relationship with government. But Mike and his panel are not going to let that happen! Want to know how? Watch!

Socialized: America’s brainwashed youth

Socialized: America’s brainwashed youth

We have been warning you: The Left is coming for your children’s minds. School curricula are soiled with hateful, divisive, false, and anti-American ‘lessons.’ Pop culture and entertainment are infected with woke doctrine. Sports are no longer sports; but rather, profitable platforms to promote twisted virtue and misinformed narratives. And then there’s corporate, whose board rooms are infested with ignorance and denial. They’re selling your kids sneakers…and Communism. Jesse’s panel unpacks how to recognize this toxin and purge it from your kids’ brains. Information is power, so be sure to watch!

Border Battle: America In Danger | 04-02-21

Border Battle: America In Danger | 04-02-21

The Biden Administration’s philosophical approach to managing America seems to be: We break it. You buy it. And the Southern Border of the United State is no exception. What was so bad about the policy that was beginning to work, and to have a net positive impact on our country’s economy? Oh yeah, Trump. The humanitarian disaster at the border is about to become a humanitarian disaster nationwide: cities & towns unable to handle an influx of destitute people in need of services, including housing and utilities; the potential spread of disease; sex trafficking; crime spikes; emboldened gang violence; etc. Jesse Kelly talks to first-person players who have been to the border and know what’s up!

In God We Trust: Restoring America’s Faith

In God We Trust: Restoring America’s Faith

Faith in America is under attack. The assault on religion is coming from our enemies who believe that we should not have a right to have faith or the freedom to worship as we please. But we must not lose sight of the fact that there is an enemy from within as well: ‘woke-ism’ has infected the church. And if we don’t undo the damage already done, we will be done in! The Marxists work in very non-mysterious ways; and we know this game. Mike and his panel of pastors discuss how to take back the meaning of faith and spread the Good Word!

Biden’s Border Crisis

Biden’s Border Crisis

Since Joe Biden took office in December, hundreds of thousands of migrants have surged across the border. In this Hold the Line special, Buck discusses the causes and consequences of the current crisis at the southern border with a lineup of guests including Texas GOP chairman Alan West, and director of the Center for Immigration Studies, Mark Krikorian.

U.S. military under fire | 03-12-21

U.S. military under fire | 03-12-21

The Biden Administration wasted no time in diluting the strength and capability of our nation’s military. In fact, it’s hard to name one instance in which Biden has augmented our defenses — unless of course, we’re talking about the fence around the White House. The changes have thus far been radical, from implementing Critical Race Theory to manipulating sex and gender, in such a way as to create confusion and low morale. Jesse is joined by Lt. Col. Oliver North; our very own Rob Smith, Iraq War vet; and by Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman, retired Marine Lt. General.

The Joe Biden Hypocrisy | 03-05-21

The Joe Biden Hypocrisy | 03-05-21

By all accounts, the Biden Administration has been an abject disaster from day one. We tried to warn the voters, but there was nothing we could say to neutralize that hate directed at President Trump. Now, just six weeks in, as reality continues to set in, so does Biden/Harris buyers’ remorse. He has been a disappointment, hypocrite — and arguably — tyrannical, when it comes to immigration, ‘unity,’ race relations, press availability, diplomacy, jobs, and virus management. Jesse Kelly and guests are here to sound the alarm…again. What can we do to stop the tsunami of policy that continues to erode our nation? We’ve got answers!