Fox Los Angeles reporter Bill Melugin posted a story on social media Tuesday showing that medical data from the UC-San Francisco determined that 70% of people hospitalized with covid were admitted “for other reasons.”
“After reviewing the charts of every COVID-positive patient at UCSF hospitals on Jan. 4, Dr. Jeanne Noble, an associate professor of emergency medicine at UCSF, determined that 70% of them were in the hospital for other reasons,” posted Melugin.
“The real COVID crisis that our hospitals are facing is a severe staffing shortage that is compromising the quality of our care,” said one employee.
“The crisis from the Omicron peak is not generated by serious COVID illness in regions with highly vaxxed populations,” they added. “The crisis we are suffering in the Bay Area is largely driven by disruptive COVID policies that encourage asymptomatic testing and subsequent quarantines. … The vast majority of COVID-plus patients I take care of need no medical care and are quickly discharged home with reassurance.”
Read the full report here.