NO, JOE: Poll Shows 67% of Independents Don’t Want Joe Biden to Run for Re-Election

A new survey from Morning Consult shows 67% of Independent voters say President Biden should NOT run for re-election in 2024, while 59% urge Donald Trump to also stay out of the race.

“The survey, conducted through online interviews by Politico-Morning Consult, found 67% of independent voters say Biden should not run for a second term while 59% believe Trump should not seek reelection. Only 31% of independents think Trump should run again and an even smaller 23% believe Biden should make a bid for the White House,” writes the Daily Caller.

“When asked who should replace Biden as the Democratic nominee in 2024, assuming he does not seek reelection, 31% of respondents back Vice President Kamala Harris and 11% support Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg,” adds the news outlet.

Read the full report here.