A new poll from Monmouth University shows Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with a commanding lead over rival Republicans for the 2024 GOP presidential nominations including former president Donald Trump.
Monmouth writes:
Republican voters were asked if they have a preference for their party’s presidential nominee in 2024. Not surprisingly the two names mentioned are those the media are talking about most often – DeSantis (39%) and Trump (26%). When asked specifically how they would feel about either man being the nominee, 79% said they would be satisfied with DeSantis and 67% would be satisfied with Trump. There are not a lot of demographic differences in satisfaction with either candidate, except that college graduates (45%) and moderate Republicans (47%) are more likely to be dissatisfied if Trump is the party’s nominee again.
Here’s how the rest of the field shook out:
Ron DeSantis 39%
Donald Trump 26%
Mike Pence 2%
Nikki Haley 1%
Ted Cruz 1%
Others 6%
Don’t know 25%
The Monmouth University Poll was conducted by telephone from December 8 to 14, 2022 with
563 Republican and Republican leaning voters in the United States. The question results in this release
have a margin of error of +/- 5.2 percentage points for the full sample.

DeSantis might have the edge right now, but there’s a long way to go before the primaries begin. Bill O’Reilly breaks down Trump’s chances in 2024, explaining how the former President can make a historic comeback like Winston Churchill.