Of all the canceled causes the left could have rolled out for, Whoopi Goldberg’s Holocaust remarks seems one of the least likely. But members of the mainstream media and Hollywood elites are, sure enough, showing up to finally say maybe this has gone too far.
Even MSNBC has joined the party.
According to the Independent Journal Review, “MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski is decrying so-called ‘cancel culture’ after co-host of “The View” Whoopi Goldberg was slapped with a two-week suspension over controversial comments she made about the Holocaust.
“Everyone knows Whoopi Goldberg. She’s been on TV for decades … If you don’t know her heart, then you haven’t been watching,” Mika said on Morning Joe.
“And so that’s why the two-week suspension, to me, seems more about something else and something that maybe we need to start putting something behind us: which is this unbelievable need to punish and judge people when they’ve made a mistake,” she continued.
“This is something that is just going to start getting ridiculous. I mean if Whoopi Goldberg is canceled…that would be the end. This cancel culture is getting so out of hand. There are so many positives that could happen out of this mistake, and instead, I feel like it’s headed in the wrong direction.”
Watch her remarks below: