LET’S GET OUT OF HERE: 600K People Left New York, Los Angeles for Lower Taxes, Fewer COVID Restrictions

Can you blame them?

According to a new report, more than 600,000 have left major coastal cities like New York and Los Angeles for states with lower taxes and fewer COVID restrictions, CNBC reports.

“More than 600,000 people leaving New York and California for lower-taxed states during the pandemic,” CNBC wealth editor Robert Frank reported. “That’s according to Census data. California lost 300,000 residents between April of 2020 and July of 2021. New York lost a net 365,000 people, about two percent of its total population,” he added.

“Now the biggest winners, not surprisingly, were Texas and Florida, which have of course no income taxes. Texas gaining 382,000. Florida adding 243,000.”

Arizona ranked third, gaining more than 124,000 residents.

“Now people move for many reasons, lower housing prices, lower cost of living with remote work, their families may be there, but there is a continued shift from high tax to low tax states,” Frank added.