JOE’S ABORTION DEFENSE: ‘I’m a Child of God’

President Biden turned a few heads while commenting on the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade leak. Biden claims that there are “rights I have, not because the government gave them to me, but because I’m a child of God. I exist.”

Jerry Dunleavy, a reporter at the Washington Examiner, pointed out the failed logic in Biden’s argument. 

“Biden says there are ‘rights I have, not because the government gave them to [m]e, but just because I’m a child of God, [because] I exist.’ He makes this argument to support the right to abort unborn children of God which exist.”

, ​​said Biden, a Catholic who routinely attends Mass, is out of touch with American women. ​

“The president has obviously not heard the pleas of the women of America. He cannot hear the cries of the babies in the womb. He doesn’t know how much fathers regret lost fatherhood,” said Dr. Alveda King, the niece of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Thursday on “Fox & Friends.”

“And so there are so many proofs and evidence so much evidence that abortion certainly is bad for the baby, the human dignity​,​ and the human rights of the baby​, ​t​he pain and suffering of the ​m​other, the father’s cries and all of the problems that follow abortion. He can offer Americans something better than abortion. If he would just take the time and be present​,” she said. ​