CLAY & BUCK: Fauci On Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend’s Swollen Testicles


CLAY: Nicki Minaj. I’m not making this up. This singer, she tweeted that her cousin’s friend had gotten swollen testicles because of the covid vaccine (laughs), and this thing went viral, massive discussion. Everybody’s angry at Nicki Minaj, including Dr. Fauci, who still, by the way, hasn’t responded to our invite to the program. But of course, he was on CNN. And this is an exasperated Dr. Anthony Fauci talking about Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s swollen testicles as it pertains to the covid vaccine. Enjoy. (laughing) Enjoy.

FAUCI: The answer to that is a resounding “no.” There’s no evidence that it happens, nor is there any mechanistic reason to imagine that it would happen. So the answer to your question is “no.” These kinds of claims — which, you know, may be, y’know, innocent on her part; I’m not, y’know, blaming her for anything. But she should be thinking twice about propagating information that really has no basis as except, uhh, a one-off anecdote, and that’s not what science is all about.

BUCK: (impression) “I can neither confirm nor deny allegations all of swollen testicular nature based on the data and all we see here.”

CLAY: I would love Nicki Minaj versus Dr. Fauci. I think Nicki Minaj interviewed Joe Biden, I think, on Instagram.

BUCK: Just to be clear for everybody here, Clay, you tweet a lot, right? I tweet a fair amount. You tweet more often than I do. Nicki Minaj has almost 23 million Twitter followers.

CLAY: Yeah. She’s pretty famous.

BUCK: So when she puts out the swollen man area anecdotal story, it actually does get a fair amount of traction. Didn’t she also say there was a fertility issue for the guy?

Listen to Full Segment: Fauci On Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend’s Swollen Testicles