SEND IN THE TANKS? School Boards Urged Biden to Deploy Military to Silence ‘Terrorist’ Parents

An early list of demands from the National School Boards Association sent to the White House asked the Biden administration to potentially deploy the National Guard or military to silnce “domestic terrorist” parents at rowdy district meetings.

From Fox News:

Early demands from the National School Boards Association to the White House included calling for the deployment of the Army National Guard and the military police to monitor school board meetings, according to an early draft letter the organization’s independent review released Friday. 

In contrast to the final version, the draft of the NSBA letter said, “We ask that the Army National Guard and its Military Police be deployed to certain school districts and related events where students and school personnel have been subjected to acts and threats of violence.” 

The NSBA had originally sent a letter to President Biden in September 2021 that asked for parents protesting at school board meetings to be federally looked into, saying school officials were facing threats and violence at meetings. Most significantly the NSBA requested in its original letter that parents’ actions should be examined under the Patriot Act as “domestic terrorists.” 

Then, on Oct. 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum instructing the FBI to collaborate with state and local leaders to address “threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” He went on to say that this collaboration “will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response.”