DONALD TRUMP: ‘For Me, Life Begins at 80,’ Joe Biden is ‘Oldest 79-Year-Old in History’

Donald Trump released a statement on his social media platform over the weekend commenting on Joe Biden’s advanced age.

“President Biden is one of the oldest 79s in History, but by and of itself, he is not an old man. There are many people in their 80s, and even 90s, that are as good and sharp as ever. Biden is not one of them, but it has little to do with his age. In actuality, life begins at 80!” posted Trump.

A recent report from the NY Times claimed aides are now increasingly worried about Biden’s ability to function.

“I do feel it’s inappropriate to seek that office after you’re 80 or in your 80s,” said David Gergen, a top adviser to multiple presidents. “I have just turned 80 and I have found over the last two or three years I think it would have been unwise for me to try to run any organization. You’re not quite as sharp as you once were.”

The White House vehemently denies any problem with Biden’s health.

“President Biden works every day and because chief executives can perform their duties from anywhere in the world, it has long been common for them to spend weekends away from the White House,” Andrew Bates, a deputy press secretary, said.